Child ADHD Vs Adult ADHD Symptoms – Is This You Or Your Child?

Child ADHD symptoms will be very different from adult ADHD which are often more subtle and less noticeable at times. For example, an adult with ADHD may have real problems in getting a task finished within a certain deadline. Multi-tasking may well be a hallmark of their work style and that is tolerated until the deadline looms. Then everything changes and the adult with ADHD may well feel inadequate and stressed out.

Other symptoms of adult ADHD will include forgetting appointments and commitments, difficulty in getting down to a task and fidgeting a lot more than our colleagues. There may be often overactivity present as there is constant motion which, however, is not well managed or directed.

It is now estimated that over half of children, probably 60%, with ADHD may well carry the condition into adulthood unless treated properly. The chances of that happening seem to be quite slim as only about 25% of cases in children are actually diagnosed. We know that even fewer are treated.

As for child ADHD symptoms, these are well known and established and will become very noticeable when they start to interfere with home, family and academic life. The impulsivity, fidgeting, constant motion and chattering, together with a noticeable lack of focus or staying power on even the simplest of chores will be all too evident.

As regards child ADHD symptoms and the treatment of them is concerned, there are a few essential pointers that I want to emphasise. If a child is left alone and there is no effort at all to manage behavior, help with social and coping skills, then the child is unlikely to grow out of the condition or to become successful in life. We know that many children with ADHD are at increased risk of drug abuse, accidents and committing felonies. This may well be due to their impulsivity and their lack of awareness about the consequences of their actions.

There will have to be attention too to the amount of green time and exercise, diet and school support. All these are essential and should form a comprehensive program for dealing with this condition.

As regards stimulant medication, there is now so much controversy raging that many parents have decided that the only way to deal with child ADHD symptoms is to opt for homeopathic remedies. They know that they are perfectly safe and free of side effects. When this treatment is combined with behavior modification, the chances of treating ADHD successfully, actually skyrocket.

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Yes, you CAN raise happier, calmer and better behaved children. Discover how the latest successful treatment of child ADHD symptoms can turn your child around. Experts now tell us that child behavior modification combined with a natural treatment for ADHD is by far the most effective ADHD treatment.
Visit to find out more about ADHD child behavior problems.

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