Guidelines For Rapid Prototype Iterative Development Life Cycle

The rapid prototype iterative prototyping approach, on the other hand, will facilitate functionally scoped, yet completely deployable versions of the software to be delivered to users incrementally. Functionality is enhanced through new iterations until the final version is cut out. Thus, the system will be developed as executable software components in an evolving manner, each[…]

Understanding the Head Lice Cycle

Probably you are one of those people infested with crawling parasites on your scalp when you were still in grade school or even until now you still have casual encounters with lice irritation. Head lice can affect anybody, children and old men alike; though lice are more prevalent for girls, boys can be infested too.[…]

Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous and Independent Children

Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents: 7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous and Independent Children Used Book in Good Condition With anxiety at epidemic levels among our children, Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents offers a contrarian yet effective approach to help children and teens push through their fears, worries, and phobias to ultimately become[…]