Making the Adult Learning Program Effective

The present economic climate makes the need for adult learning more important than ever. An adult learner is a non traditional student enrolled in a learning program.

This non traditional learning process could involve formal education at a secondary school, college or university. It could also be informal learning or a training and development of a corporate program. The current scenario sees a growing number of ambitious working adults pursuing college education.

The concept of adult learning is always different from child or adolescent learning. Most of them join the course as a voluntary effort to achieve a certain objective. And hence the success of any these programs depends on the mutual cooperation between the adult learner and the adult educator. There is an equal need for learner to be aware of his or her abilities and limitations as a non traditional student as does the instructor or the trainer.

Learn The Art Of Being Open-Minded

The ability to listen with an open mind is a prerequisite for any successful student. Being open also means to unlearn certain things that you have learned previously. This begins with having the right attitude towards the learning process as a whole. The barrier to being open could be social, psychological or cultural. As a learner it is always good to identify and overcome these obstacles. This will enable the individual to gain maximum benefit from the learning program.

Cultivate A Listening Attitude

A ‘listening attitude’ is an important prerequisite for meaningful and fruitful communication process. Removing the barrier of being close minded can help in better interaction with other members in the group, which in turn can widen and expand your knowledge and network base.

Make The Program Work Towards Achieving Your Goal

Individuals join an adult learning program with a specific purpose in mind. It is always good to do a personal review at regular intervals to see if the curriculum is helping you achieve this objective. An analysis of the situation will help you identify the root-cause that hinders you in achieving your personal goal. The hindrance could be from learner, instructor or the environment. You should take measures to set things in place right away.

Plan, Organize, Prioritize

Most of the adults enrolling for a learning program are juggling between responsibilities and are running short of resources such time or money. This is something each individual has to deal with on a personal front. Being organized is the solution to the problem. Planning ahead can help in making adjustments in job schedules and meetings. Planning can also enable the person to prioritize each day’s, week’s or month’s activities. This can to some extent eliminate unimportant activities or tasks. To overcome financial constraints, some institutions focusing on adult education also offer scholarship or other aids to those enrolling in an adult learning program.

James Copper is a writer for

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