Diet for Teenagers and Adults with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has no known cause, although some researchers say that the most likely causes are some contributing factors. These factors are genetic factors and fetal development, possible environmental factors, brain injuries, and social environment factors. Some environmental factors are complications during pregnancy, contaminated dust and soil, and even nutrition. So it is important to know what should and should not include in the diet of ADHD patients.

There is confirmation that processed foods are maybe connected with hyperactivity behavior. Parents must not include sugar, colored foods, and food additives like artificial colors or preservatives that are mostly found in junk foods. Children become hyperactive when eating too much sugar and carbohydrates. Minimize giving dairy products, especially the milk of cows. Some children have allergy to milk. Stop giving concentrated fruit juices or sodas, Gatorade, energy drinks and tea. It consists of citric acid and caffeine. Remember citric acid can interfere with some kinds of ADHD medications. Limit the intake of oranges, tangerines and grapefruit as well as their juices, or any foods high in citric acid, as caffeine drinks may hampers sleeping pattern. Chocolates are high in sugar. Sugar must be reduced in ADHD patient’s especially in children for it leads to mood changes and irritation. Processed meats and foods high in monosodium glutamate have chemicals and must not give to ADHD patients. Lastly, it is important to stop tobacco and alcohol. It is dangerous if a person is taking medication at the same time drinking alcohol. It also affects the moods of a patient. Most of these foods are found in convenient stores and fast foods. Some of these foods may block the efficiency of the medications the patients are taking.

Foods that must include in the diet are: foods that is rich in protein and carbohydrates. Serving must be at least 60 % to 70% and 30% to 40% respectively. It includes eggs, meats, rice, fish, soybeans and others and complex carbohydrates like whole grains and brown rice. Drink a lot of water at least 7 to 10 glasses per day. Instead of drinking fruit juices, eat fruits like apples and vegetables. Eat foods with high fat content like walnut oil, vegetable oils, and fish oil founds in salmon and tuna. It is important in brain functions. Some doctors will suggest adding vitamins and minerals supplement to take every day. Many teenage and adults do not eat balanced diet due to their conditions.

Dr. John E. Neyman, Jr.
Christian Counselor

Dr. John has reared 3 children, Philip, Laura, and Matthew. Dr. John has been teaching families for the last 30 years. He is a family coach that specializes in parenting. Dr. John’s motto is “Empowering parents to transform their homes.” Dr. John was a pastor for 25 years.

Dr. John has been serving as a Counselor/therapist for 30 years. He is currently a Behavior Specialist Consultant and Mobile Therapist in Western PA. Dr. John also is the director /Owner of the Renewed Life Counseling Center. Dr. John is a bestselling author entitled Wake up Live the Life You love: Success and Wake up Live the Life You Love: Freedom.

Dr. John has developed a strategy that parents are able to use immediately, and effectively. It is entitled Power moments with Your Children. It takes less than 1 minute to put a strategy into place. Dr. John holds degrees from Liberty University and Rochville University.

Dr. John has a passion to teach principles that transforms lives. He has spoken to audiences from 4 to 4 thousand. Dr. John’s teachings are practical, pointed, and powerful.

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