Backyard Playground Safety For Toddlers and Infants

Every child, even from a very early age, learns from the world around them. Toddlers and even infants are no exception. As a parent, you may find it difficult to locate a safe place for your little one to play outside. That is why many parents decide to invest in a backyard playset. The most important part about finding a kids playground set that is right for your young ones is selecting something that is age appropriate. For the wisest investment, try to find something that is adjustable as your child grows.

For a kids playground that only your toddler will be playing on, look for something that has no higher platforms than four feet up. Guardrails or whatever else makes up the highest point of the equipment should not exceed six feet above the ground. Ramps should be at a shallow incline and steps should be easy to get up and down from for a pair of little legs. Slides should not be steep and the sides should extend 22 inches up from the seat of the slide for your child’s safety.

You may have an older child and a toddler or baby at the same time. You probably dream of a kids playground that can accommodate everyone so the entire family can be together. There are sets you can purchase that accomplish this, or you can add your own customizable accessories. A toddler or infant swing can be a perfect solution for occupying your little one while your older child enjoys the more advanced parts of the playset. The back and sides should be high to prevent the child from slipping out. It should be constructed of soft, shock-absorbing material to make swinging an enjoyable experience for your toddler or infant. Safety and fun go hand-in-hand with the consideration of what playground set to invest in. Sturdy construction is not something you can skimp on. Wooden sets are known to be most long-lasting and well-built when compared to plastic sets.

Many accessories can make up a kids playground set. As your children get older, making some additions can help your equipment adjust with your growing kids. If you plan to keep a kids playground set for many years, be sure to regularly make checks for broken or missing parts. Your toddler can enjoy a playground if it is safe and designed for their age. As always speak with your playground builder and make sure that you use a playground builder that has the experience to give you the best advice.

For more information visit All About Playgrounds | houston playground. You can also request more information to find out how to build a safe backyard playgrounds for your kids at houston playground equipment

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