Kids Furniture For Learning and Creativity

When we decorate our childrens’ rooms we never fail to remember the obvious stuff like a new bed, dresser, and a night stand, but we sometimes fail to remember items that encourage learning and creativity. Furniture pieces that push your kid to use their learning and imagination skills are just as important as any other piece of furniture your child has in their bedroom. Here are three important furniture pieces that promote early learning and creativity in children.

Small tables and chairs that are your child’s size help to encourage creativity and thinking skills. If you have a little girl and she has her own little table, more than likely she will have a tea party for her animal friends at one point. This is an excellent way to promote thinking and language skills as well as creative conversations with her friends.

Much like the kids sized tables and tea parties for girls, little boys tend to like the kid sized work bench. The best kind of work bench is made out of wood and allows the boy to feel like a grown up inspiring independence. They also work on their eye hand coordination, thinking, and creativity skills through playing. Although most would call this simply a toy, the better made work benches are made of wood, have a “real” feel to them, and cost as much as a dresser. That’s why I have included the work bench here.

Finally, a kid sized desk is a great addition to any kids’ room. A small desk is a reminder to the child that they are not a baby anymore. It helps them look to the future and accept the changes in their lives because soon they will be in school. If your child is already old enough to read a small desk can be the perfect promoter of this. This piece of furniture can also be a great place for drawing and coloring which both help their eye hand coordination and creativity skills.

When planning out your daughter or sons room it is important that they have the basics such as a new “big kid” bed, dresser, and night stand, but remember that promoting their learning skills and creativity is just as important. Children that grow up with these types of things in their rooms tend to be more adapting and learn a lot quicker than kids that start kindergarten without ever being challenged to learn and use their imagination. As parents it is up to us to make sure our kids are learning and growing, so incorporating learning items in their rooms is a very good place to start.

Stephanie McLain enjoys writing about kids furniture and garden lights.

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