How To Use Zoo Coloring Pages

Children love animals. Harness their attention and interest by using zoo coloring pages as part of their lessons at home and in school.

Study zoo animals as a part of the science curriculum. Teach the animal kingdom, and divide papers by each family within the vertebrates. Have one set each for mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. Within each group, teach the different life cycles. Use books with accurately colored pictures or real photographs, to show children what the animals really look like. Allow for creativity, yet encourage proper coloring.

Use the pages as a study in habitats. Each animal at the zoo has a specially designed habitat in which it lives. Polar bears have an arctic environment. Elephants have a replicated savannah. Fish are found in special aquariums to resemble the lakes and seas. Divide the coloring pages by each type of habitat. Take that idea a step further, and further divide them by continent on which each animal can be found.

Take a field trip to the local zoo. Take a look at the animals who live there. Use the zoo coloring pages for a follow-up project that reflects the animals seen on the visit. Put the pages into a book, perhaps including a few actual photographs from the trip, as a keepsake. Or, use the coloring pages as a sort of scavenger hunt while at the zoo. Have children page through the book prior to leaving, then see how many they can find.

Older children can use the pictures as a launchpad for doing research. Give them pictures without names on them and have them figure out what the animals are. Then, they could do a paragraph-long write up of each animal. Have children work in groups, divided by animal family or habitat.

Some of these pages, designed for younger children, will also incorporate other learning skills as worksheets. In math, practice counting skills by asking children to count how many of each animal are found on the page. Have the children follow directions, such as, “Color three zebras, ” on a page that has five zebras on it. They can practice writing the corresponding numeral by tracing dotted lines or numerals written in highlighter.

Work on language skills by combining animals that begin with a particular letter onto one page or into a little coloring booklet. Have them “x” pictures that begin with a certain sound, or who do not begin with that sound. Practice tracing letters. Children can also practice learning vocabulary by tracing or copying the names of each animal on a page.

Allow children to explore their creative sides. Use pages to tell a story about the animals. Those who are able can write their own words to the story. Younger children can dictate their story to an older child or adult. Create plays and use the pictures to create puppets or masks. Make a poster or diorama of the animals and their habitats. Create a mural on the wall or the bulletin board.

Find many sources online, in teachers’ books, and in general coloring books found at the store. Combine resources to fulfill your zoo coloring pages needs.

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